Knightwood Male Enhancement- Is It Really Boost Sexual Power?
Knightwood Male Enhancement and in a better world, in a regulated world, where Vitamin E, a regulated product, it should have a black box warning on it that says just that. >> Gillian: Vitamins E and C are anti-oxidants. For years, we've been drawn to them because anti-oxidants are the mortal enemy of free radicals, cells linked to cancer and other diseases. >> I mean, if you look at people, for example, who eat diets rich in fruits, rich in vegetables, that contain anti-oxidants, they do seem to live longer and have lesser rates of cancer and heart disease so the thinking was great, now we figured out a way to make ourselves healthier. Now let's -- let's double down and take even larger quantities of anti-oxidants and that's where we cross the line and now study after study shows in fact it's true, you can take too much in the way of anti-oxidants. >> Gillian: But that message hasn't reached the public. Even though it appears the scientifi...