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Knightwood Male Enhancement and in a better world, in a regulated world, where Vitamin E, a regulated product, it should have a black box warning on it that says just that. >> Gillian: Vitamins E and C are anti-oxidants. For years, we've been drawn to them because anti-oxidants are the mortal enemy of free radicals, cells linked to cancer and other diseases. >> I mean, if you look at people, for example, who eat diets rich in fruits, rich in vegetables, that contain anti-oxidants, they do seem to live longer and have lesser rates of cancer and heart disease so the thinking was great, now we figured out a way to make ourselves healthier. Now let's -- let's double down and take even larger quantities of anti-oxidants and that's where we cross the line and now study after study shows in fact it's true, you can take too much in the way of anti-oxidants. >> Gillian: But that message hasn't reached the public. Even though it appears the scientific world has reached consensus. In 2013, The Annals of Internal Medicine published an editorial, enough is enough, argued the case is closed, supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with most mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful. So what about Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin? Next to multivitamins, it's the top-selling vitamin out there. Promoted by everyone from family doctors to those on TV like DrD, if I could take one vitamin to push, to everybody to think about in their lives, it's Vitamin D. >> Gillian: It's true we do all need some Vitamin D. Health Canada, like U.S. authorities, recommends adults get 600 international units a day. But look at the doses some are pushing. >> My patients I've recommended tends to be perfect when people are initially really low-- >> Gillian: On this Canadian website, I answered three questions, my height, my weight and my age and was told I needed 10,000 international units a day, 16 times what Health Canada recommends. That advice came from this health research foundation in Calgary. Pure North S'Energy, a non-profit enterprise, is on a mission to improve Canadians' health by, among other things, increasing our levels of Vitamin D. >> So Vitamin D, do you want to take that right now?
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